900 Clayton Road, Helena Valley WA 6056

This property was sold OFF MARKET using our extensive database.
LOOKING TO BUY? If you are looking to buy and you missed this opportunity, please get in touch regarding how you can find out about properties before they hit the internet.
LOOKING TO SELL? If you are considering selling and would like to discuss whether selling OFF MARKET is the best option for you, please give Glen a call on 0433 657 895 or Eunice on 0403 132 381.
Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of this advertisement, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. To the best of our knowledge the information listed is true and accurate however may be subject to change without warning at any time and this is often out of our control. Prospective tenants & purchasers should make their own enquiries to satisfy themselves on all pertinent matters. Details herein do not constitute any representation by the Owner or the agent and are expressly excluded from any contract.
Scammers are actively targeting real estate transactions. Due to the increasing number of attempted frauds in our industry and in the interest of protecting your funds we will not provide our trust account details via email. Please contact our agency to confirm deposit details prior to doing any transfers. Aggressive behavior and any form of verbal or physical abuse towards our employees will not be tolerated. Our teams are working as hard as they can, please be patient as we do our best to assist you.
Property ID: 1316350
Contact Agents

Glen Newland
Managing Director, Senior Advisor & Negotiator
Office: 08 9453 1888
Mobile: 0433 657 895

Professionals Stirling Clark
Shop 31M, Hawaiian's Forrestfield, 20 Strelitzia Ave, Forrestfield WA 6058 | Phone 08 9453 1888